Derniers numéros en ligneEcofeminism in India : Struggles and PerspectivesMarch 2023
Edited by Madhura Joshi In India as well as in the Global South, activists and the rank and file of ecological, social, political, decolonial, feminist movements have changed the relations between humans and nature as well as economic, social and gender relations. The contributions in this volume were initially presented as papers during the annual conference organised by the Société d’Activités et de Recherches sur les mondes Indiens on the theme Ecofeminism in India : History, Struggles, and Perspectives on the 28th and 29th 2021. The articles are anchored in sociological and anthropological fieldwork, literature, and poetry. They contribute through their different perspectives towards environmental history, past and present conceptions of nature and women, while revealing some of the pioneers in the struggle for the preservation of natural resources and famous events connected with ecofeminism. The cover design is an adapted version of the Tree of Life. This tree is often a central element depicted in Warli paintings, a ritualistic art of the Warli tribe of northern Maharashtra in India. Given the destruction of forest cover that is being witnessed in the 21st century, and for this volume on Ecofeminism in India, it seemed an appropriate reminder of the soothing presence of trees, which are the very important life providers and sustainers of ecosystems across the world. It also hails the Chipko Movement, one of the emblematic moments of women’s resistance against the felling of trees. On behalf of the SARI, I thank Jamie Alexander, who designed this front cover.
Événements19 novembre 2021 The emergence of post-truth is often construed as immoral in the political framework, echoing the long-standing moral philosophical debates on truth and veracity as universal values, and on the subjective assessment of harmful truths and ‘white lies’. A moral consideration of truth as an absolute norm has been seen as ignoring the fallibility of human reason, and suppressing the multiplicity of perspectives. Between the tyranny of truth as an absolute and the fraudulent ‘alternative reality’ generated by a general mistrust of facts, many seek a solution in a renewed commonality. We wish to question post-truth and its precursors and contemporaries : lies, propaganda, manipulation and disinformation. We would like in particular to discuss the violent dimension of post-truth, the violent assertion that it is possible to become blind and deaf to objectivity, verifiable facts and universal values in order to promote a subjective truth. |