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Mapping Mobility - Cartographies en mouvement

Juillet 2019

Résumé :

Edited by / Textes réunis et publiés par Marie MIANOWSKI, Pierre-Alexandre BEYLIER, Samia OUNOUGHI, et Christine VANDAMME

This collection of essays on mapping mobility aims at questioning how changing relationships to land, place and landscape challenge authors and artists in representing otherness ethically, depending on the various histories of colonial power and postcolonial empowerment of the territories whose stories are being narrated. As Shameem Black notes in Fiction Across Borders : Imagining the Lives of Others in Late Twentieth-Century Novels, “because fiction conventionally calls attention to the texture of experiential life through emplotted action, the novel almost always participates in one form or another of social border crossing” (8). The articles that follow discuss the ways in which geographical border crossings and social border crossings are enmeshed, and how this entanglement is represented in various discourses and in literature and the arts. In this volume, “ethics” is understood in the way Shameem Black defines it, as “the ethos of responsibility to one’s object of inquiry, responsibility opposed to hegemonic domination and representational violence” (3). This volume questions the ethics of representation when discussing and representing human border crossings and places of belonging, whether in legal discourse or in literature and the arts.

Contributeurs :


Antagonistic Representations of Space Between the Aboriginal Noongars and the Australian State
Virginie C. BERNARD

Mapping Mobility in Australia : from the Bush to the Desert and the Ghostly Place
Christine VANDAMME

Unfixed/unfixing geografictione in Aritha van Herk’s Places Far From Ellesmere (1990)

Mapping the Unstable : the Af-Pak Border and its Tropes in Nadeem Aslam’s The Blind Man’s Garden (2013)

Cartographies en movement : Re-imagining the Irish Landscape through the Tim Robinson Archive

Google Street View : Digital Mapping, Glitching and Social Documentary

Finding Permanence in Movement : an Interview of Dina Nayeri on Migration, Writing, and the Gradual Process of Home-Building in Exile
Jessica SMALL

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