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Tous les numérosRemake, Genre and Gender in English-speaking Films and TV SeriesJanvier 2017Résumé : Textes réunis et publiés par / edited by Donna Andréolle (Université du Havre) & Claire Maniez (Univ. Grenoble Alpes – ILCEA4) As a follow-up to the December 2015 issue of Représentations, “Bis repetita placent ? Remake et technologie dans le cinéma et les séries télévisées anglophones”, this issue returns to the question of the remake by focusing on the intersections between film and television genres and the representations of gender in movies and television series. The recent wave of critical writings on film adaptation encourages investigations into how new versions of a movie or series question the interpretation of genre and gender. Indeed, the generic conventions of specific genres are very often gendered. The remake criticizes, implicitly, explicitly and sometimes even emphatically, the “uncharted territories” of a genre and its gender stereotypes. Contributeurs : Preface : “The images of the world have returned … every one of them” Remaking Horror According to the Feminists Or How to Have your Cake and Eat It, Too TV Remakes, Revivals, Updates, and Continuations : Making Sense of the Reboot on Television “You Should Always Kill The Villain Twice” : Australian Horror Movies and the Guilty Pleasures That Won’t Go Away. Of gowns and mustachios : cherchez la folle in Mike Nichols’ remake of La cage aux folles Man Made and Remade : the Avatars of Masculinity in Robocop (1987) and its Remake (2014) American Reinvention : Nordic Noir and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Fincher, 2011) From the Nordic police procedural to American Border Drama Adaptation and Variation, Remaking the Dynamics of Gender in Sherlock, a New Sleuth for the 21st Century Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, from Rouben Mamoulian (1932) to Victor Fleming (1941) : Remaking a Horror Myth, Aesthetics, Ideology and Gender Issues |